UHart’s Student Health Services is proud to partner with Hartford HealthCare to help you feel your best.
We Provide:
- Sick visits
- Strep, mono, and flu testing
- COVID-19 testing
- STD testing and treatment
- Pap tests, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, and birth control options
- Physical exams (Sports, pre-op, study abroad)
- Prescription and over-the-counter medications available
- Refills of ADHD medications while at school with proper documentation from prescribing provider
- Administration of Allergy injections with proper documentation from Allergist
- TB screening with PPD placement
- Immunizations (Tetanus, flu shots)
- Nebulizer treatments
- Ear Irrigation for cerumen impaction
- Suturing and I&D
- Bloodwork drawn at Health Services and sent to Quest Lab (outside orders accepted also)
- Referrals provided to Hartford HealthCare specialists within the community
- Virtual visits
- Mental health visits for anxiety and depression
- Travel consultations for travel abroad
*Fees for services apply (medications, vaccines, laboratory testing and some procedures and supplies).
Schedule an Appointment
Schedule a visit with Hartford HealthCare University of Hartford Student Health.
Communicable Disease
Keep Hawks Healthy and stop the spread of common communicable diseases.
Be aware that symptoms of COVID-19 may be mild and that people with mild infection are still able to spread the virus to others.
Not sure when to test? Here are the most common symptoms of COVID-19:
- Fever (100.4° or higher) or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Flu vaccines will be available at the following flu clinics:
- Wednesday, Sept. 25: noon - 2 p.m., GSU. Register here.
- Wednesday, Oct. 9: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., HPAC. Register here.
- Wednesday, Oct. 16: 5-7 p.m., Commons PDR. Register here.
Beginning Oct.17, students, staff and faculty can make an appointment to come to Health Services to receive a flu vaccine at no cost.
Please call Health Services at 860.768.6601 to schedule an appointment.
Flu symptoms:
- fever or feeling feverish/chills
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- muscle or body aches
- headaches
- fatigue (tiredness)
Mono is a disease known as the "kissing disease." This virus is spread often by salvia.
Symptoms of Mono:
- fatigue
- fever
- rash
- swollen glands
Testing for the following sexually transmitted infections is available at Health Services:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Herpes (Type 1 and 2)
- Trichomonas
If you were exposed to someone who tested positive for an STD, or have symptoms, or just want routine testing to be safe. Please call Health Services at 860.768.6601 to schedule an appointment.
Testing is sent to Quest Diagnostics with your insurance information for processing.
Student Health Insurance Requirement
In previous years, the University has required all students to obtain and provide proof of health insurance before the beginning of each school year. For the 2024–2025 academic year, the University of Hartford does not require health insurance as a condition of attendance. Students are not charged for a University-sponsored insurance plan nor is there an online waiver to complete.
Regular Hours & Location:
Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment.
Entrance is to the left of the Sports Center.
Schedule an appointment or call 860.768.6601
*During Thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break hours and services may vary.
*Health Services is not open for patient care over the summer.
Health Services is located on the ground floor of the Sports Center and has its own entrance on the left side of the building.
Fax Number:860.768.5140
Immunization records are required prior to the start of classes. Immunization and Health Forms
Health Services has partnered with the Pharmacy at Blue Back to offer UHart students a medication deliver service. Student must call the pharmacy to set up an account with a credit card, and let them know they want prescription delivered to Health Services at the University of Hartford.
Pharmacy at Blue Back
Phone: 860-656-6229
55 Isham Rd
West Hartford, CT 06107
Pharmacy Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Prescriptions are delivered to Health Services: Tuesday and Friday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Health Services will contact the student when their prescription arrives.
Common Questions
Graduate and part-time students may also come to Health Services but must show proof of paying the Student Support Services Fee.
Yes, UHart faculty and staff may utilize Health Services.
Being seen by a clinical provider, does not automatically clear students to miss class. We are encouraging students to communicate with their professors if they need to miss classes for any reason, so they can work together on a plan to make up the work at the professors’ discretion.
Below is information regarding what you can expect when seen at the Health Services for an illness:
- All students presenting with flu-like/COVID-19 symptoms are automatically tested for both illnesses. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, Health Services will be a medical hold on their account for 5 days, starting with the day they first started experiencing symptoms OR the day they tested positive. This hold will also notify faculty that the student will be out of in-person classes for the duration of their isolation. Health Services will not provide a written note.
- If a student is diagnosed with any other medical condition that requires the student to miss class, notification will be sent to faculty. Health Services will not provide a written note.
- It is up to the professor and the student to come up with a plan for asynchronous or synchronous learning, based appropriately on the class.
If non-residential students are seen by a medical professional off campus, they can submit medical documentation directly to Health Services for review. If the documentation indicates that the student must stay out of classes, Health Services will then follow the above process for faculty notification.
To submit medical documentation to Health Services:
- Go to the portal, hartford.studenthealthportal.com, available in self-service.
- Log in using your UHart email address and email password
- Go to the menu on right (3 lines) and choose the option for “Document Upload”
- Upload medical documentation
Students, if you have questions regarding the medical documentation you can email imrecords@drordi.com.
If you aren’t feeling well, please wear a mask, monitor for symptoms, and contact health services or your personal physician.
At times, a student may choose to take a break from their program with intent to return in a later semester. This may happen for a variety of reasons. Taking a leave of absence does not indicate that a student has failed at something, but rather it can be a tool to help deal with other pressing issues and upon return a student will be able to better focus on their studies.
There are a few different ways a student may take a break; including, a leave of absence (active status), medical leave of absence, or a withdrawal from the University.
If a full-time student is considering taking a leave of absence, they should consult with their academic advisor to discuss their options, impact on their degree progression and how best to return. A student, while in good academic standing, may request to be placed on an “active status” to remain out of classes for up to two semesters while maintaining matriculation.
To make this request students must submit the standard Registration (Add/Drop) Form indicating their intent for an active status and when they plan to return. This form should be signed by the academic advisor. If approved, students will be charged a $75 active status fee.
If a student does not register for a semester and does not request active status, the student will have to apply for re-admission upon returning to the University. Part-time students need not register each semester to maintain their matriculation. However, part-time students who have not registered for three consecutive regular semesters, nor for any summer session during the three-semester period, will be required to apply for re-admission.
Occasionally, students experience medical or psychological problems severe enough to require more intensive treatment or time away from the University environment. Students needing to interrupt their studies for psychological reasons may request to be placed on a medical leave of absence upon the written recommendation of a staff member from the Office of Counseling and Psychological Services, a private therapist, or a medical provider. Students requesting a medical leave of absence must present a statement from their attending physician, which will be reviewed and acted upon by the Associate Vice President of Student Success.
Students on medical leave of absence remain matriculated at the University and are not required to reapply for admission. Students participate in the normal registration and room-selection process in absentia, are eligible for tuition and fee refunds according to the University’s published refund policy, and are informed of the implications of the leave on their financial aid packages. It is the student’s responsibility to contact financial aid to determine what, if any, impact the leave will have on their financial aid for the semester.
Students returning from a medical leave of absence will be required to submit a return to campus form (available in the Dean of Students Office) completed by a qualified licensed professional; to meet with the Associate Vice President of Student Success, and to make arrangements when appropriate, for on or off campus support services tailored to their individual needs.
The full Student Medical Leave of Absence policy can be found in the student handbook, The Source.
We encourage students to speak with their academic advisor prior to making a decision to withdraw from the University. However, if a student decides to voluntarily withdraw from the University they should do so by withdrawing (dropping) from all courses, if currently enrolled, through the Registration Add/Drop form, or contact the Center for Student Success (CSS) in writing via e-mail from their University of Hartford issued account.
A tuition refund, if applicable, for a student who is voluntarily withdrawing is based on the date of withdrawal. See the current academic calendar in the bulletin of classes for specifics.
Any student seeking to return to the University should contact the Admissions Office. Students who are reapplying to the University under the Fresh Start program need to re-apply through Admissions.
After Hours Care

University of Hartford is partnered with Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth Urgent Care to offer after hours care. If you need care after hours, visit Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth Urgent Care in West Hartford’s Bishops Corner, just 2.5 miles from campus or schedule a Virtual Visit.
Bishops Corner
336-A North Main Street, West Hartford
Open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and
Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Walk in or save your spot online at GoHealthUC.com/CTStudents
Health Services can provide virtual visits for certain illnesses.
Please call the office to schedule a Virtual Visit - 860.768.6601.
Connect with a Hartford HealthCare–GoHealth Urgent Care provider by video from your phone, tablet, or computer.
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Schedule a same-day or next-day Virtual Visit for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses with a Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth Urgent Care telemedicine provider.
We treat hundreds of illnesses and injuries including:
- Allergies
- Asthma attacks and wheezing
- COVID-19 Evaluation
- Bronchitis and respiratory infection
- Colds, cough, flu and mild fever
- Earache or ear infection
- Headache and migraine
- Mild animal or insect bites
- Pink eye
- Poison oak and ivy
- Rash and skin infection
- Sinus infections
- Sore throat, laryngitis and strep
- Sprains and strains
- STD/STI treatment and testing
- Urinary tract infection(UTIs)